Vince is Born

grandma Karen and grand-aunt Ruth informing everyone about Vincent's arrival

Vince was born on the 22nd of October 2007 at 9:35pm, in Mesa, Arizona. He weighed 7 lbs 12 oz (3.52 kg), he was 22 inches (55.88 cm) long and the circumference of his head was 14 inches(35.56 cm).

The first thing Vince's daddy noticed about him was that he had lots of leg and huge feet. His feet were actually bent so far forward that they touched his shins!

Daddy Jeff was very excited to see his son. That sight gave Vince's mommy butterflies in her tummy despite the fact that she had just been cut up, sewed back together and she couldn't feel nor move her legs. And everyone knows how Vince's mom does not particularly enjoy being tied down for too long.

Grandma and grandpa Africa were on everyone's minds even though they on the other side of the planet. And of course aunty Kate, aunty Andy and uncle Matthew were missed too. Marcelle can't wait for her son to have the pleasure and honor of meeting her immediate family some time soon!

Mommy enjoys eating what ever she wants again, after diligently watching her carbohydrate intakes while having gestational diabetes.

Grandma Karen, grandpa Brad and uncle Sean came all the way from Salt Lake just to see the Vince master (as grandpa calls him).

proud grandparents

Grandma Karen did an excellent job taking care of the Marcelle as her Mommy Ursie was unable.
Vince's first outfit was grandma Ursie's baby grow all the way from Namibia

our son

new, proud, TIRED parents

Daddy was as out as a light

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